We operate with a Child Protection Policy. To view a copy of this policy please email the office - office@rscc.co.nz
Welcome to Raleigh Street Kids Sunday - 2025
MORNING - Children join the adults in the Audi for the beginning of the service (9:30am) and then move to their programme. Juniors to Year 6 go to the chapel before going to their groups. Amplify (school years 7-8) usually stay in church for communion and then go straight to their groups. For Health and Safety reasons it is important that ALL children are signed in, have a sticker, and attend the correct class. Please make sure your children have their stickers displayed visibly on their fronts. Any children without a sticker will need to leave the class and get one. If there are any errors with the stickers please let Julie know.
AFTERNOON - Children join the adults in the Chapel for the beginning of the service (4:00pm) where they often participate in the service before moving to their programme. The kids programme is run in the board room for primary-age children and toys are available at the back of the chapel for pre-schoolers when requested. The service is often followed by a shared meal and games.
Memory Verses for this term -
Kids Groups at Raleigh Street
Find an age-appropriate group for your child in one of our Kid's groups!
If you have any questions or need more information, please contact Karen Hopkins karenh@rscc.co.nz
Sunday Service Groups
A nursery is provided for parents of young babies. This warm and comfortable area has changing, sleeping and feeding facilities.
Tiny Explorers - in creche
Tiny Explorers are fully supervised during the entire service (9:30-10:30am) by our crèche workers, but parents are welcome to stay. Since we believe it's never too early to teach our little ones God's truths we do run a 5-minute teaching segment called 'See & Know', an inspiring programme teaching the children through simple nursery-rhyme style songs with visual aids. Of course, there is also ample time for free play and healthy snacks.
Juniors - in Rally Hall
Juniors bridges the gap from Tiny Explorers to Adventurers. We begin our time together with the older children in the Chapel and then break away to the Gym. Our great team of teachers and helpers get the children involved with age-appropriate, Bible-centred teaching and lots of hands-on activities to keep little minds busy. Snack time is a vital part of the program (according to the kids) to keep their energy up for lots of fun learning, games and crafts. Parents are welcome to stay.
The Adventurers, including Juniors begin their lesson time together in the chapel. We have a time of praise & worship, celebrate birthdays, have a memory verse and support a child through Tear Fund. After that the children split into their Small Groups according to their school year. They spend time together exploring the Bible lesson for the week with age appropriate games, activities and devotions.
Amplify Sunday
Amplify Sunday youth go straight to their lesson as they are dismissed from the main service each Sunday. The purpose of is to bridge the gap between Adventures and the main service while also supporting the children in developing their relationship with God. We follow a set curriculum that is age-appropriate yet is a fairly in-depth Bible Study.
Other Regular Weekly Groups
Held every Tuesday 7-8:30pm (during the School Term) for Youth in School Years 7-9.
To build relationships with the pre-teen age group and encourage them to discover God for themselves and come into a personal relationship with Him through Jesus Christ.
ICONZ is an action, adventure, activity and values-based programme for boys aged 8 to 12. We allow boys to be boys - it is all about faith, blood, mud, fire, water, speed, smash and build.
Our boys enjoy a wide range of action, fun, games, life skills, leadership and competition – all the stuff which they are really into, and really need to become true Kiwi icons.
ICONZ meet every Monday night of the school term from 6:45-8:30pm.
Girls' Rally
Girls' Rally is our weekly gathering for all girls aged 7 - 12.
The night is packed with crafts, Bible talk, hobbies, memory verses, badge earning, games, building friendships - and a few surprises in the mix! Our leaders love teaching practical skills, teamwork and Christian values to our girls. Come along and check us out.
Girl's Rally meet every Thursday night of the school term, from 6:30 - 8:15pm.

Held on Thursdays and Fridays (during the school term) from 9.30-11.30am, for families with pre-school children.
This is a relaxed opportunity for parents to pop in for a lovely morning tea while their little ones play and socialise with other children. Come along with your pre-school children, rest and chat. Please bring your child’s morning tea. Free.
For more info contact office@rscc.co.nz

Mainly Music
This is a fun time for children and parents to bond over music, movement and social interactions.
Held Tuesday (during the school term) from 10-11:30am for families with pre-school children. Mainly Music resumes second week of each school term to enable the team to plan and prepare the programme.
For more info contact office@rscc.co.nz