Watch the livestream, 9:30am Sunday

Our People

Jeremy Lind - Lead Pastor and Elder

Jeremy’s main responsibilities at Raleigh Street are to provide overall visionary leadership to the church as part of the Elders team, lead the paid staff, and serve as one of the Bible teachers during our Sunday services. Jeremy also looks after leadership structure in the church, as well as doing some pastoral counselling as needed.

Jeremy and Katherine were married in 1994. They have six children aged between 7 and 24. In a remarkable feat of planning they have three boys and three girls. When not herding, taxiing or attempting to corral children, Jeremy loves following any competitive sports. He is also prone to a good quiz or board game.

Jeremy was brought up in a Christian home where his parents were highly involved in serving and leading in their local church. Jeremy came to realise he was a sinner at a young age and trusted in Christ and was baptised as a teenager. After a period of wrestling with his faith, he rededicated his life to Jesus and committed to pursue him as an 19 year old at a Christian Camp.

Aaron Hodgson - Youth Pastor

Aaron hails from the small town of Te Puke. He is married to Jess, they have two girls, Atea and Jayme, and they love living in Cambridge. Aaron completed his BMin over in Adelaide at the end of last year. Before heading overseas to study, Aaron worked in Kiwifruit and Dairy farming.

His passion is to help make the complicated things of the Bible simple for young people to make them wise. Aaron loves speaking to large groups or just one-on-one. He loves to challenge young people to take their faith seriously to prepare them for life better.

His responsibility is to support parents in helping disciple their teens and help spread the gospel in our community. 

Aaron loves hanging out with people and playing sports, anything from table tennis to snowboarding.

Nick Goodwin - Associate Pastor

Nick’s time is predominantly spent in outward-focused roles.  He is the Christian Community Churches New Zealand (CCCNZ) Regional Enabler for the Waikato region, meaning that he is involved in facilitating relationships and partnerships between Waikato churches connected to the CCCNZ network.  In addition, he works with students and staff at Waikato University, mostly in partnership with Tertiary Students Christian Fellowship, a national Christian student movement.  A scientist by training, until 2017 Nick worked at the Ministry of Health in Wellington, and before that in the English health system. 
He is married to Jo and they have two children, Hannah and Theodore.  If he had spare time he would probably spend it planting bromeliads, playing jazz guitar badly, watching old Youtube videos of Brazil winning world cups (he is Brazilian by birth), and soundly defeating his children in Boggle.


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