Sunday Gatherings
We gather on Sunday's at 9.30am and 4pm to worship God, to hear the Bible communicated and explored, to pray as a church, to share communion and to enjoy meeting as a community over a cup of coffee. From 11.00 - 11.40am we run a number of electives to help grow our faith and to answer questions that arise as we grow. Children are catered for during this time in a multi-generational setting.
Following the 4pm service we fellowship over a meal or cafe time. Details of each Sunday are updated weekly on the blog.
Feel free to come and join us any Sunday, and discover more about the life of our church.
Raleigh St Kids - Sunday Kids
In God's story - kids are important! At Raleigh St Kids, we share this perspective and love creating dynamic environments where children can have a great time while learning more about Jesus and his message of love and life.
Our teachers lead games, stories, singing, activities - and a whole lot more - to make Raleigh St Kids a highlight for every young person that attends.
We provide great places for children aged from 1 to 13 years old - and welcome all newcomers to a friendly and safe environment.
A nursery is provided for parents of young babies. This warm and comfortable area has changing, sleeping and feeding facilities . The service is streamed into the nursery for your enjoyment.
We want to see lives transformed by the message of Jesus Christ. We do this by meeting on Wednesday nights from 7-9 pm for games, food, and Bible study. Find out more by clicking the black button above!
All people were made in the image of God to glorify Him. To worship God is a calling to love and serve the Lord with our bodies, minds and hearts. One of the most important ways we do this is through song with music and singing. The music ministry at RSCC exists to serve the congregation by equipping them with music and lyrics that enable them to worship their King in Spirit and Truth.
If you are musical, play an instrument or sing, or can facilitate this ministry in the areas of sound or AV, and want to use these gifts for God and to serve His people then please contact us in relation to any of the ministries below:
Sunday morning bands
Sunday afternoon band
Kids ministry band
Vocal group
Youth band
Mainly Music
Christmas Choir
Media ministries: Sound / AV / camera

I'm New!?
At Raleigh Street Christian Centre you'll find a community of people who are seeking to shape their lives around the life and teachings of Jesus. Some people are asking questions, some are taking their first steps towards Jesus and others have been following Jesus for decades.
Whether you've been going to church since your childhood - or you're brand new to the whole church-thing - we welcome you to RSCC, and trust this is a place where you can question, learn and discover more about life, faith and God.
We gather on a Sunday at 9.30am, in our main auditorium - just off Raleigh St and beside Fresh Choice Leamington. Or at 4pm in the smaller Chapel.
There is plenty of parking in the carpark and on the street - and a friendly barista crafting coffee before and after the service. Feel free to wear your Sunday best - or shorts and jandals! We spend our time singing worship to God, listening to engaging messages from the Bible and sharing in communion to remember Jesus. We have great supervised programs and spaces for children, and love connecting with all new visitors who come along on a Sunday.
If you want to find out more about our church, please use the form or give us a call on 827 5794.
Ask us anything!
If you've got a question or want to know more, fill out the form below: