Watch the livestream, 9:30am Sunday

Raising up New Leaders

We are trying something new this year, something Iā€™m really excited about.

We have created four teams that our leaders and youth can serve on. This will create opportunities for our youth to take ownership of the youth community, and they will be able to express their gifts freely.

Our four teams are:

The Teaching Team.

The Hospitality Team.

The Weekend Team.

The Outreach Team.

These teams will work alongside leaders to prayerfully consider what God wants to do in our community in these different areas.

New Home Group

This year, the wonderful Jon and Debbie Lee will host and lead a home group for our 18ā€“25-year-olds. This group will meet weekly in the evening at their house at 618/1 Maungatautari Road. To help start this group, they are hosting a lunch for any young adult or their parents interested in joining this group. It will be Sunday 7 April at 12:00pm. Please bring a plate of food to share.

Check out this video from Aaron:

If you have any questions, please contact Aaron ā€“

Raleigh St Youth

Raleigh St. Youth is here to partner with parents to make disciples who know God through faith in Jesus Christ.
What we value in our community.
Showing God's love through hospitality.
Everyone feels welcome. 
God's word, by which we know God.
FUN, by which we enjoy all that God has made.
Prayer and worship, by which we experience God.
Supporting parents.
Where can you find us?
We meet every Wednesday Night from 7-9 p.m. at the RSCC facility.
More info:



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